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The Supreme Court of Georgia created the 乔治亚州律师协会 in 1964. 最高法院授权律师协会维护本州执业律师的职业行为规则, and to enforce those rules by bringing disciplinary proceedings against lawyers who violate them. The Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct can be found on the Bar’s 网站. 他们规范律师的职业行为, 但 do not usually cover personal conduct unless the lawyer is convicted of a crime. 被判犯有重罪或涉及道德败坏的轻罪,如果其基本行为与法律实践有关,则违反了《亚洲最大娱乐平台》. We give lawyers the same presumption of innocence that anyone arrested for a crime gets, so we do not begin a disciplinary investigation when the lawyer is arrested.

纪律处分程序是复杂的, and the early stages of an investigation are completely confidential, 甚至包括律师协会的官员和其他领导. 格鲁吉亚最高法院规范格鲁吉亚的法律实践,并对对律师的任何公共纪律有最终决定权. 州纪律委员会决定格鲁吉亚州律师协会起诉哪些案件,总法律顾问办公室的律师起诉这些案件. 总法律顾问办公室的经费来自律师协会成员每年向乔治亚州律师协会支付的执照费. T在这里 are three stages to a disciplinary matter—the initial screening process, formal investigation by the State 纪律 Board and disposition either through dismissal, 实行保密纪律或公开诉讼.


When a member of the public contacts the State Bar about a problem with a lawyer, 询盘到 客户援助计划(CAP). 当客户与律师沟通有困难或打电话给律师可能解决问题时,CAP可以进行干预. 如果CAP工作人员不能非正式地解决问题, 他们可能会寄一份申诉表格给投诉者.

《十大电子游艺网站》要求以书面形式提出申诉,并经国家纪律委员会批准. 申诉表格和填写说明可供查阅 在这里.

Filing a grievance is the most direct method of bringing possible misconduct to the attention of the Bar, 但 规则4 - 202 也允许总法律顾问办公室在收到违反规定的“可靠信息”时开始调查. 即使没有人提出申诉,报刊上的文章或法院命令中报道的不当行为也可作为调查的依据.

筛选过程通常包括将申诉发送给被告律师,并要求在14天内作出答复. 当律师回应时, Bar’s Grievance Counsel may send the response to the grievant for additional comments or re但tal. The Grievance Counsel may ask the lawyer for a copy of the client file, bank records or other information that would help resolve the matter.

在审查程序结束时,总法律顾问办公室可驳回没有充分理由进行审查的申诉. 那些似乎涉及违反律师规则的案件将由国家纪律委员会进行下一阶段的调查. 


国家纪律委员会由志愿人员组成,由最高法院和国家律师协会主席任命,任期三年. The Court and the Bar president are encouraged to make appointments that will ensure geographic, 性别, 种族和代际多样性. 还有四名非律师成员. The lawyer members are assigned individual grievances to investigate, 该小组的作用几乎就像一个大陪审团,决定是否有可能有理由相信律师的行为违反了律师协会规则.

The Board’s work begins when the respondent lawyer is served with a Notice of Investigation. 《十大电子游艺网站》列出了调查中涉及的具体规则,必须按照《亚洲最大娱乐平台》送达律师.

被告律师必须提交一份誓词, written response to the Notice of Investigation within 30 days after service. 如果律师没有回应,如果律师被指控违反了一项规则,将被取消律师资格, Board may recommend that the lawyer be suspended from practice until the lawyer files a response. 这些“临时中止”完全是基于律师没有配合调查程序,而不是基于基本案件的案情.

被指派进行特定调查的委员会成员负责收集必要的信息,以作出可能的原因调查. The Bar employs three paralegal/investigators who help with the formal investigation. Most Board members correspond in writing and by telephone with the Respondent and the complaining party. They may also issue subpoenas for necessary documents, such as bank records.
委员会每年至少召开八次会议审议案件. 委员会可采取下列步骤之一:

  1. 解雇
    如果经过调查,律师似乎没有违反乔治亚州职业行为规则, 董事会将驳回申诉. In 情况下 w在这里 t在这里 is a technical violation that has not resulted in harm to clients, 委员会可以决定不予受理,并发出一封关于最佳做法的指示信,以帮助律师避免未来客户的投诉. 条规则 require that the Bar destroy all record of a dismissed grievance after one year.
  2. 警告信
    警告信是最低级的惩戒. 它是保密的,在律师因疏忽或对规则的无知而违反规则时使用. 训诫信也是保密的, 但 the Bar may use the letter as an aggravating factor if the lawyer ever violates the rules again.

  3. 国家纪律委员会谴责
    国家纪律委员会的训诫也是保密纪律, 但 it is used in 情况下 that warrant more than a 警告信. 被告律师必须出席董事会会议,并由主席当着全体董事会的面予以斥责. 律师可以拒绝董事会的谴责,而选择由一名特别负责人来裁决案件.
  4. 可能因由的发现/纪律通知
    纪律委员会可在案件事实清楚而无须由特别主任进行聆讯时发出纪律通知书. 在纪律通知单上, 委员会将其调查结果通知最高法院,并请最高法院对该律师施加一定程度的公共纪律. The lawyer has the opportunity to reject the Notice and proceed to a hearing before a special master. 如果律师不拒绝该通知, Supreme Court decides the matter based on the information before it.
  5. 可能原因的发现/转介给特别专家
    有合理理由认为律师违反了律师规则,但经调查仍对事实有争议的, 纪律 Board may refer the matter to a special master for a hearing. In those 情况下, Bar’s Office of the General Counsel serves as the prosecutor in the case.
  6. 精神残疾或药物滥用评估
    律师公会规则第4-104条 允许国家纪律委员会在有精神疾病迹象的情况下,转请律师进行医疗或精神健康评估, 认知障碍, 酗酒或滥用药物. 转介是保密的,委员会可举行纪律处分程序,以便对该律师进行评估. If the lawyer does not participate or cooperate with the evaluation, 董事会可在其认为适当时采取进一步行动.
  7. 紧急暂停
    律师公会规则4-108 允许国家纪律委员会在律师对公众或委托人构成重大伤害威胁的紧急情况下要求暂停律师的职务. 规则规定由一名特别法官进行快速听证. 
  8. 转介到其他律师资源
    委员会也可将答辩律师转介至 客户援助计划, 律师援助计划, 费用仲裁方案 或者是 法律实务管理课程.


Once the Board has made a probable cause finding and referred a matter for hearing before a special master, case goes back to the Office of the General Counsel for prosecution. 律师协会向乔治亚州最高法院提出申诉,最高法院任命一名特别院长担任法官. 在这一点上,案件的所有程序都是公开的. 

The complaint must be served on the respondent lawyer, who has 30 days to file an answer. The case proceeds through discovery, just like a civil case in court. The person who filed the grievance is usually a witness at any hearing in the case. Many 情况下 are resolved with the Respondent lawyer filing a Petition for Voluntary Discipline, which requires that the lawyer admit to engaging in conduct that violates the rules.

After a case is resolved through a voluntary petition or with a hearing, special master issues a report and recommendation that contains findings of fact, 法律结论和纪律建议. 该建议可由审查委员会审查, which upon request of the Bar 或者是 Respondent may review the special master’s findings for errors. 

乔治亚州最高法院的判决(规则4 - 218)

The Supreme Court reviews the pleadings and transcripts from every special master case and enters an order. 法院可以公开谴责, suspend the lawyer from practice for any period of time up to five years, disbar the lawyer or determine the lawyer should not be disciplined. 

进入订单后, 被暂停执业或者取消执业资格的律师,必须立即停止执业,并通知委托人. 被停职的律师可以在停职结束后恢复执业,但也必须遵守法院规定的任何条件, 比如偿还欠客户的钱. A disbarred lawyer may not practice law again without going through the entire Bar Admissions process, 包括参加并通过律师资格考试.


If the Supreme Court of Georgia has issued an order disciplining a lawyer, 订单会在酒吧的网站上发布. You can find these orders by 搜索ing the lawyer’s name in the online 会员目录. Once you click on the lawyer’s name and their information is displayed, 点击“公共纪律”旁边的“存档历史”.“最高法院的命令将张贴在那里. 如果律师没有公共纪律的历史, 该网站将在“公共纪律”旁边显示“无记录”.”